Dodge: transmission, auto parts store, broken pieces
Question-------------------------I took it in a i was told that my overdrive was shot. they added that there were some small broken parts in the pan when it was removed. I was also told that the tranny need not come out and so the charge for rebuilding the overdrive was in the $500 range. does it sound right?
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My '01 Ram shifts into reverse but will not move backwards. There is some grinding. It will driver forward with out at problem. Im having it looked at now. any sujestions.
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Go to an auto parts store and buy a can of TransTune made by Seafoam,add the entire can to the existing transmission fluid.If there is no internal parts damaged this stuff will fix it.Just pour it in the transmission and drive it to run it through the transmission.I tried it and it works.It's probably a valve sticking.They will tell you to have it rebuilt and that's ok if you want to spend $2000.00 or more.This is not a sales pitch my transmission would not shift out of second gear and i added this stuff and it fixed mine completely,if you don't believe it do some research on the stuff.
What i'm trying to figure out is how many people use overdrive in reverse!The price for a rebuild is about right.Make sure they are a reputable garage and when they do the work make them honor some kind of warranty for the part in writing .Also ask them if they are going to flush the transmission.If they do not flush the system,when they put it all back together the broken pieces and parts that they do not get out sometimes get caught up in other parts of the transmission and will start to cause problems to the transmission after you have it reinstalled.Just cover yourself you can't be too cautious about these scams that are going on.Didn't mean to sound like i was a crticist i just can't stand to see people get ripped off.If you heard grinding in the transmission it may be that there was something wrong.Just make them give you some kind of warranty with the work.RamMan