Dodge: 92 Dodge Shadow Timing, dodge shadow, harmonic balancer
QuestionThe timing on my 92 Dodge Shadow is off. The mechanic replaced the belt but apparently forgot to do somethign he was supposed to with the No. 1 cylynder. Any suggestions?
When the timing belt (chain) breaks on a vehicle,the vehicle jumps time,so just replacing the belt will not fix it.He needs to take out the #1 spark plug,get the plug on top dead center(spark plug at the top)you can have someone put their finger over the whole making sure the hole is covered good so no air gets out and when the engine is turned over very slowly,listen for the piston to come to the top.You will hear a spew sound.This will be top dead center.When you do this,look for the harmonic balancer,there will be some timing marks on it.These marks should line up exactly.With the piston on top dead center,if these marks line up your timing will be adjusted.