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Dodge: ------------------------- ..., dodge ram van, highway speeds

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Question -
I have a 96 Dodge Ram van 1500, V6. My problem is stalling. I can be driving along and the engine dies. I put it in neutral and usually it restarts with no problem.  Occassionally it will not restart right away. This also happens at idle.  At highway speeds it doesnt die completely but hesitates momentarily.  I can go 2 or 3 days with no problem and then out of the blue it starts again.  I have replaced the fuel pump. Thank you for any advice as to what is going on.  Tony
Answer -
Has the engine light been on?Does it seem to be losing power when it's running?Hesitation could be a faulty catalytic converter.

The engine runs great since I replaced the fuel pump.  It has plenty of power. Before the new pump was installed, the engine would skip and lose power and would not run good at all once the fuel tank dropped below 1/2 full. This cutting off or stalling began after the new fuel pump. The engine light comes on periodically.

This will help.The engine light when it comes on stores a code in the computer.You need to have a scanner hooked to it,Autozone will do it for free and find out what the code number is and ask them what it means.That's why i asked if it was losing power because it probably isn't a fuel issue with a new pump.It's probably a sensor going out.