Dodge: minivan front end, ball joints, lube job
Question I have a 98 dodge G Caravan with 56k mi. The front end recently began to make sounds that I would describe as a popping noise that to me makes me think something needs some grease. It reminds me of "someone cracking their knuckles", and all I can think of is the ball joints are worn but I am not having any problems such as mushy steering,wobbling or pulling to one side, etc. I also have replaced the swaybar bushings less than a year ago and I'm wondering if they could be worn already, they are OEM. Or maybe the swaybar links are worn, I have never replaced them and it's very difficult to determine where the sound originates because it's a bit too cold here in New England right now to crawl under and attempt any type of inspection and/or repair.
I guess I basically am wondering what's the best way to find a problem of this type when it only occurs when driving? Would it be safe to ride until the weather is warm enough to replace worn parts or should I bite the bullet, take it to the dealer and hope they can find the problem. I would hate to pay for labor that I could do myself when the weather is better.
It's hard to say,it could be anything from the ball joints to a c.v.joint,if it's a front wheel drive.I'd start by having a good lube job done on the van.But as far as it being safe i'd at least get an opinion from the dealer.Sometimes the mechanics can tell you what it may be from experience from other problems with these type cars.I would get it checked though.You don't want the wheel to come off of it due to a bad ball joint.