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Dodge: fan blower, dakota club cab, fan blower

Hi,we have a 1998 dakota club cab sport.The problem we are having is the fan has started going on and off.I have read on the internet that a lot of people are having this same problem.They are saying to ck the resistor.Could you please tell me where to look for this resistor,or if you have another idea what could be causing this problem.It does this on all speeds.I can have just the fan on,the a/c or heat.It does the same on all setting.Thank you

I repaired my dads,the resistor was on the firewall.I'm not sure on yours his was a 94 model.I would call dodge or if they can't help, you can buy a Haynes or Chiltons repair manual at most auto parts store to find out exactly where yours is located.This is most likely your problem.
Thanks RamMan