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Dodge: dodge ram starter, negative battery cable, dodge ram 4x4

Hello, we have a 1995 dodge ram 4x4 104,000 miles, we just had the transmission rebuilt and put it back in, now the truck won't start, you can hear the bendix kick in but doesnt turn the engine, the truck sat for about a month in my garage.  I took the starter off and took it to the garage and had it tested, said it was ok, I bought a new battery and cleaned the connections on the starter when I reinstalled it and the battery,  still nothing but the bendix kicking in, is there a relay some place I need to check ( maybe contacts stuck ? or is it possible the transmission is in gear and wont let the motor turn over ?   any help ?  thanks Jerry

Did you have the transmission rebuilt by a reputable builder?Anything is possible,but the linkage probably wouldn't hook back up right.If the starter motor spins but the engine is not cranking,the overrunning clutch in the starter motor is slipping and the starter motor must be replaced.Also the ring gear on the flywheel or drive plate may be worn.And yes there is a starter relay under the hood,should be on drivers side behind the battery,a black box with a covered lid.Flip the lid over when you take it off and you will see what fuses you are looking for.Be sure to diconnect the negative battery cable before removing fuses.I'm going to tell you how to check the solenoid...Connect a jumper wire between the battery and the ignition switch wire terminal(the small terminal) on the solenoid.If the starter motor now operates the solenoid is ok.If the solenoid is ok then the problem is more than likely a the relay.
           Keep Me Posted.........Thanks RamMan