Dodge: 1995 Dodge Intrepid Heater, haynes repair manuals, dodge intrepid
QuestionDuring an ice storm yesterday, my heater decided not to work which made for an enjoyable ride home. I checked the blower motor fuse & heater/ac fuse. Both fuses are good. I was told to locate the blower motor to check for lose wiring. Unfortunately, I have no clue what it looks like or exactly where it's located. I was also told to find of if there's a relay switch (or something like that) for the heater. Wouldn't know about that either. There was no owner manual when we bought this car used. Can you also tell me if I can find a diagram showing these parts on the internet. I've had no luck finding one. Thanks!
Haynes Repair Manuals are a very good investment and can be purchased at any auto parts store,The manual is based on a complete teardown and rebuild.They can be purchased for around $12.00 to $15.00.These manuals show how to remove and replace worn or broken parts from the engine to the interior.
Thanks RamMan