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Ford: air condition

I have a 2000 ford ranger2.5L.When I'm driving with aircondition on and I press on the gas peddle to pass somebody or to go faster the airflow is automatically directed to the windshield.Is it a vacuum hose and where is it located?

Hi, it appears to be a vacuum related problem . There a couple areas your are gonna want to check before you have to pull the heater head out . Looking atbthe back of the engine to the far left, look for a I believe grey in color vacuum line going through the fire wall of the engine compartment in to the pass compartments check that line for cracks or breaks. Follow that line back towards the engine as well checking for cracks. Where it connects to the engine the should be a black little elbow it goes in to that connects it to the engine  .give it a couple of good tugs and twists to see if there are any small unnoticeable breaks they usually crack right there at that little elbow where it meets the engine . Check these things and get back to me