Ford: 1992 Ford F150 clutch problems, empty soda bottle, clutch fluid
QuestionI have a 1992 Ford F150 and the clutch was getting a little gushy so I decided to bleed the clutch. and now it is loose and wont ingade. I have made sure it has fluids and there is no leaks but it sound like a swish sound when someone steps on the clutch. Sounds like its sucking air. but don't see any leaks or holes. Any idea on why I have no presser or why its making that sound. Oh it a hydraulic clutch also.
AnswerYea there is and easy fix. take an empty soda bottle fill it 1/4 way up with brake fluid open the bleeder line to the slave cylinder and take a 1/4 vacuum hoes and attach 1 end to the bleeder and place the other one in the brake fluid .now have someone pump the clutch while watching the fluid go into the bottle when the air bubbles stop then stop pumping and close off the bleeders .and you should be good to go but make sure you keep the clutch fluid full keep a watch on it at all times ..Good luck