Ford: Used Tarus, ford taurus, high mileage
QuestionHello, We are looking to buy a used Tarus, 2005-2002. I your opinion how reliable are the cars and what can we expect for major problems if any? Are these cars known for high mileage longevity? Thank you, Barry
Answerthe ford Taurus is a decent car, i have seen some with over 250K still running, i can't think of any major problems off hand, how ever you can check out and look for factory service bulletins and recalls. understand that ALL cars, have recalls on something, but if you see that one kind of car has a bad heater fan switch, but another make or model keeps blowing transmissions you may not want that kind of car. compare years and models to find the one that suits you the best. use Car fax or tell you dealer to get it for you it will list the history of any one car. accident history and such.