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Ford: 1986 Ford F-250, ford f 250, fan clutch

Over-heating..... Have changed thermostat, waterpump, flushed radiator.... changed fan-clutch, hoses and dash gauge.
According to the temp gauge, old and new one... the truck is still getting hot.
Frustrated, I took it to a garage.... they said it is running at the proper temp even though the gauge say's different.
Not comfortable with that.
What could the problem be?
And is there another way to monitor the tempature other then watching the gauge?


They are most likely correct.
there are 3 ways to verify the temperature:

1 using an inductive temperature sensor at the bare metal of the thermostat housing.  depending on the ambient (outside ) temperature, you may be out as much as 10 degrees.
2 using a scanner to read the temperature sensor used by the PCM ( this may also be out)

3  installing an aftermarket sensor and guage.

If you find that the factory dash guage is inaccurate, I would suspect the seder. they often get coated and read bad. There are resistance readings that should correlate with the temperature of the water it is immersed into.