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Ford: 1986 Ford Ranger Speedometer Jumping, wire guage, fuel sender

QUESTION: I just bought a 1986 Ranger, it's a 5 speed with the 4 cylinder engine. I'm having some trouble with the gauges. The speedometer jumps around and when it settles down it's off by 5 - 10 MPH. At slower speeds, it seems to gradually return to the correct speed (kind of like a drift). The fuel gage is not right either. I filled the truck up and it only registered 3/4 of a tank. It slowly dropped below a 1/2 tank, then after I shut it off and restarted it, it went back to 3/4.

Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hello.

Which 4 cylinder is installed in the truck? 2.0 or 2.3 ?

Any codes in KOEO, Continuous, or KOER??

The speedometer is a cable driven system and is in no way related to the electrical fuel sender.

You may have a damaged or worn fuel sender, a loose power or groudnd wire or failing dash unit (guage)

The speedo cable may be dry and binding and requires lubricating, or the gear on the drive end may be damaged or may be wrong for the tires installed.

Also, the dash end of the cable may not be installed correctly.  Rarely, the speedo head (guage) may be damaged.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm not sure which motor it is, the guy I bought it from took the engine from a Mustang and dropped it in.

Can you tell me where to lube the speedo cable? Any ideas on where to start looking for a bad wire? The fuel gage now is clear over on E and not moving.

Thanks a bunch for your help.

remove the speedo cable from back of dash. grab the end of the inner cable and pull it out. wipe it clean and soak it in transmission fluid for an hour. wipe of excess and reinstal.

The fuel sender. remove the plug from the fuel tank, and with key on, ground the fuel sender wire. guage should go to full. if it doesn't, prob is in wiring or sender. If it does, than the prob is the sender.... replace it