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Ford: car dying and headlights malfunctioning., ford thunderbird, random times

a few weeks ago my 77 ford Thunderbird decided to die like it had ran out of gas even though it has plenty of gas in it just at complete random times while I am driving down the highway it has done this about four or five times since then, I just have to put it in neutral and pump the accelerator a few times and it fires right back up but I have no clue what could be causing this and also a few days ago while driving home the headlights went out on me, I pulled the car over and they came back on so I started driving it again and when I hit over 30mph they went back out but came back on when I slowed below 30 they stayed on for a while then went out until I hit my blinker then they came back on, do you have any clue what would be causing all these problems? everything is original on the car and it only has 87500 miles on it.


This sounds like 2 seperate problems, but they might be related.

The earlier headlight switches would get hot and shut off then start working again. This is just an age thing.  

The fuel issue sounds like you are running out of fuel. possibly a sticking float. A partially plugged fuel filter or strainer (in tank) or a bit of water in the gas.