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Ford: 93Taurus 3.0L sedan, taurus 3, filler neck

my car cranks butr the engine does'ntr turn over. i checked the gas, i checked the fuel injection reset switch also. what is wrong?


In car talk= cranks means it is turning over.  I suspect you mean that it cranks, but will not fire/ catch/ start/ run

You need 3 things to fun a gas engine.


do you have good spark at the plug?  remove a spark plug and lay it on the bare metal of the engine with the plug wire attached and have someone crank theengine (try toi start it)

is there a crisp spark jumping?

remove the gas cap and put your ear to the filler neck. When the engine is turned on, listen for the fuel pump to run for 2-3 seconds. you should hear it hum.

is the air filter plugged?

Key on> is there a "check engine " or a "Service engine soo" light on the dash?

are all the fuses under the hood and under the dash good?