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Ford: Four Wheel Drive Switch, ford f150, switch wiring

Suddenly, my switch changing from 4L to 4H to 2 does nothing.  I had hoped I blew a fuse, but according to the owner's manual I am good.  Is there a fuse I may have missed?  This is a 97 Ford F150 Extended Cab w/Third Door.  If it is the switch, can I check/verify that before replacing it?  How hard is it to get out of the dash?  Is there something else that could be giving me problems?  This is urgent as I cannot take my truck on the highway while it is locked in 4L.  Thanks so much!  DR


1st-  which codes are stored in the GEM or transfer case computor?

2nd- Does the computor show that it is recieving the info from the switch?

You may be looking at a switch, wiring, transfercase switch motor, computor, GEM Module or actuator.

I have seen alot of shift motors, and modules fail.