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Ford: ford timing?, pressure guage, compression stroke

i have a 94 ford f150 i replaced the distbuter with a new one and didnt mark the old one, i thought i put the new one back in close to the way the old one came out and tried to start it but it just cranked and spuutered,i tried lining the timing mark up to top dead center mark on the damper but couldnt get the mark to come close to top dead center i keep finding the mark at the bottom of the damper even with the oil pan, can you please explian to me how to do this task?


ok firstly bringing the engine to top dead center (TDC) on cylinder #1 compression stroke.

1 Mark TDC on the crank and timing tab clearly

2 remove #1 spark plug and install a pressure guage or TDC whistle, or have a freind hold their finger tightly over the hole.
3 using a wrench and socket, turn the crankshaft bolt (With battery disconnected!!) until pressure rises in cylinder #1.

at that point, watch the timing taband continue turning until marks line up.

If you turn more than a full revolution, you will have to start over again.Remember, each cylinder comes to TDC once each revolution, but only on compression(firing) once every 2 revolutions).

4 now that you have cylinder 1 on TDC Compression, you can reinstall spark plug.  on the distributor cap is marked for Cylinder #1 (usually). or follow #1 spark plug lead to #1 toewer. transfer that mark to the disrtibutor so you can see exactly where the rotor needs to point.

5 when you remove the distributor, the rotor will turn a small amount due to the helical gear.  you will need to compensate for this when you reinstall.
pull the distributor out enough to align your rotor with your mark and drop it back in. If it doesnt drop all the way, that is ok, is it simply not aligned with the oil drive rod.

try tapping the distributor down while turning the crank bolt a bit.
6 make sure your timing marks are aligned and rotor marks aligned.

7 tighten distributorso it isnt sloppy, reconnect battery, and start truck.

you may need to turn distruibutor a bit to get it to start.

8 connect timing light and disconnect Spout connector and set timing to specificatoin.

9 tighten distributor, turn off truck, reconnect spout and drive away