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Ford: Check engine light, blown fuse, fuse holder

QUESTION: 2001 F350 PSD 117,000 mileage.I was just driving to the store when my check engine lite came on and the truck started skipping like it wasn't running on all cylinders.Guages were all normal.Also very rainy day but I did not go through any puddles.The truck was sitting for 36 hrs.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Tom Ray

ANSWER: Pull the code for check engine light and let me know what it says.  I also need to know if you saw any smoke and what color it was.  I have been seeing a lot of problems with the prescreens (which are in the fuel tank) getting clogged up.  What looks like is happening the new diesel fuel that is being ran these days has a higher content of water in it and it is causing the fuel tanks to delaminate and the laminate is clogging the prescreens up.  There is a way to test fuel pressure but a special hose is required and a pressure gauge.  The fuel pressure should never drop below 60 psi even when accelerating.  If your code reads something like ICP higher/lower than desired, that is a good sign your prescreens are the problem.  Get the code pulled and tell me what it says and I will be able to tell you more from that.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks I found the problem.Clogged fuel filter.One other? where is the fuse for where you plug in reader,it Say's #3 in the book but there is no #3 fuse.

They could be referring to number 3 spot under hood.  Last time I had an issue as far as no power to scanner it seems like it was around that number and it was in the cab.  I would go through and check all my fuses in the cab and under the hood just to make sure.  That should defiantly get you the right one.  The fuse may be gone in that spot but are there connections inside the fuse holder.  Someone could have pulled that fuse and put it somewhere else in a hurry to take care of another blown fuse and just never put it back.