Questioni have an 88 ford f 150. it has a 351 winsor with a 4 barrel carb. My question is the truck runs fine until it gets hot and then shuts down like u killed the switch. I have checked the distributor and wiring already... Am I missing something???
A very common failure is the electronic ignition module. It fails when at a certain temperature, then as it cools, it come back to life.
It may also be the switch inside the distributor.
3 ways to attack this.
1. Purchase a new module and when the truck dies, see if it solves your problem. They are about $100 but if you plan to keep the truck, you will need one sooner or later. (I keep one in the glove box)
2. Get a wave style scope and connect it to the pistributor pick up/ sensor. when the truck dies, test the sensor. replace if bad.
The catch is that neither peice doesn't usually act up until it is hot, and if you take too much time with the hood open, you may lose the heat that was causing the problem.
You can add heat with a heat gun or hair dryer as well.
Option 3 replace the sensor and the module