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Ford: 1995 Explorer Overdrive Light Inoperable, pot metal, forward gear

Just bought a 95 explorer 4x4, 190k on body, transmission and engine rebuilt at 170k, the overdrive light is inoperable but I can feel it shift into overdrive, is this an easy fix? also shift column feels sloppy and loose, I have to shift into a lower forward gear than up and forward with the stick to make sure it goes into drive, any ideas? is there a collar to tighten or anything?


1st I guess...how do you know it is switching into overdrive, and not lock-up?
Without a scanner, this would be difficult.

I beleive the overdrive light should only come on when the overdrive button is activated, notifying you that overdrive is turned off. Check your owners manual.

If the light is indeed, not working, and without a scanner, you need to remove the instrument cluster and test that bulb.

The shifter is made from pot metal. very suseptable to dirt and wear. Dis assemble and inspect the tube and bushings and repalce as nec.  Also, on some models, the screws holding the shift cable to the end of the shift tube come loose. reinstall with red loctite.