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Ford: Ford Starting problem, clutch pedal, pain in the butt

I have a 1999 Ford 550 Truck, it only has 41,000 miles.  When I turn the key to start it sometimes nothing happens, I don't even hear a click.  Sometimes it takes several attempts and then it will crank over and run fine.  My thoughts are that it could be a solenoid, but then wouldn't I hear a click.  Then I think about a flat spot on the starter, not sure.  I have checked all cable connections and the battery is fully charged. I need you help. How do I check it to determine problem without buying parts i don't need?


You don't state if the truck is manual or automatic, so lets cover both scenarios.

1.Under the hood near the battery is a starter relay. It looks just like the old Ford starter solenoids (actually, it is). It will have a Large Red (battery Cable)  a smaller Dk Blu/ Org wire (signal from Ignition), and a small Yel/ Lt Blu wire (signal to the starter).

2.Turning the ignition key to start, should produce near battery voltage at the Dk Blu/ Org wire. Yes? If it does so every time, then problem is downstream (towards the starter).go to next step.
No? If you do not recieve a signal here, or it is intermittent, then the problem lies in the clutch switch (manual), PRNDL switch (automatic), ignition switch, or wiring.

Manual transmission= Clutch pedal assembly, bushings and such are a constant wearing pain in the butt. unplug the clutch safety switch and jumper the 2 terminals. If truck starts ok= replace the switch and inspect the assembly for wear.

Automatic Transmission= try to start in nuetral, or jiggling the shifter + if this works, you will need to adjust or replace the Nuetral safety switch (PRNDL).

At the ignition switch (not so common failure) the start signal comes from the Red/ Lt Blu wire

3.If you have voltage at the Dk Blu/Org when cranking, You should also hear this relay click, and voltage should be available at the Yel/ Lt Bluwire.
Yes? go to next step.
No? replace relay and retest.

4.At the starter, you should have voltage at the Yel/ Dk Blu wire when cranking. This voltage activates the bendix solenoid and connects the starter to the battery.. Try tapping the starter.  If it works now, it shows that the contacts in the starter are worn or burnt and you need a new solenoid.