Ford: F150 ABS Light On, rear brakes, abs light
QuestionThe ABS Light is on constantly. The code indicated the rear sensor. The truck only has rear ABS. The sensor was replaced and the all good code 16 came up. The code was cleared. When the truck was restarted the light came on again. This time the code indicated an open circuit. What is the solution? When braking on ice or water, the rear brakes lock up.
The ABS module on these trucks ( and many others) are what we refer to as "stupid computors.
They will not set codes until driven and they will not retain codes after the vehicle is shut off.
Check the resistance of the sensor itself ( unplugged), then plug it in and check the resistance of the sensor (same 2 wires) at the ABS module plug ( unplugged). i suspect a broken wire between the sensor and the module.