Questionmy heater is blowing cold air i changed my thermastat and still blowing cold air my radiator cap is cold my hoses is not real hot know it is making a sqelling noise sounds like the belt creaming dont knowwhat it is
When your engine is warm (after about 5 minutes of driving) you should feel warm to hot water at your upper radiator hose and at at least 1 of the heater hoses.
If you have heat at both heater hoses, i would suspect a heater blend door,
if only 1 hose is hot, you may have a circulation problem or air lock or plugged heater core.
Let's start with circulation: you have a squeeling. Are the belts tight? You do not state which motor you have, but remove the belt and see if you can spin the water pump. if not= the pump is seized or stuck. If yes= replace and adjust the belts. squeeling should stop. Squeeling can also come from a leaking water pump, leaking onto the belt. Inspect the pee hole under the water pump for signs of coolant. Coolant= replace water pump.
Start the truck and carefully remove the rad cap. You should see water moving. A stuck thermostat will still allow water to the heater , but restrict it from the rad. A proper flowing and cooling rad should have hot water going in and cooler water coming out of the rad.
As for an air lock, I choose to pinch off one rad hose until the heater has hot water in and out, then remove the pinch off.
When you replace a thermostat, be sure that you have bled the air from the sytstem as air does not gat hot enough to open the thermostat in enough time.