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Ford: 2000 Contour Drum Brakes, rear drum brakes, drum brakes

QUESTION: Is it possible to replace the flat adjuster bar with the more reliable round adjuster on the rear drum brake assembly of the 2000 contour. The ones I have do not work very well even though I have them polished like new w/good springs.

ANSWER: I have never seen an alternative adjuster.

I beleive this uses a quadrant type adjuster.

The most important thing to remember is to use your e-brake every time you park. This will help keep rear brakes closer to proper adjustment, although, they have never had efficient front-to-rear braking.

another tip is to inspect  clean and adjust the rear brakes annually. this will help reduce front brake wear,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was hoping there was an alternate.  I have rebuilt both side of the rear drum brakes with wheel cyls., shoes, drums and springs all new and after a while, one side or the other wheel cylinder starts to leak. Then I have to start all over again. You mentioned using the parking brake or E brake. I have NOT used this since rebuilding the drum brakes. Perhaps that is the answer for me. I will rebuild again and start using the E brake. Thank you for your help. Respectfully, Matt Sohnly

You say that the wheel cylinderes start to leak?

Have the drums been measured? and are the drums over size?  this would cause the wheel cylinders to overextend and leak.

Wheel cylinder are manufactured with lubricant, very similar to brake fluid, and is is comon to find some of this behind the boots, as long as it is not dripping out of the boots and contaminating the shoes.

Are all the parts correct for the application? and not installed backwards?  Best to ask someone with a sdimilar vehicle to look at their brakes to be sure.

and finally,  when re-assembling the brakes, you must adjust the brakes to be as close to the drum size as possible.  Make your initial adjustment and install the drums. Then apply the brakes and E-brake. then check the rear brake to drum clearance and adjust accordingly.