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Ford: Ford Aspire Gas Mileage, kleen flo, ford aspire


I recently got a 1995 Ford Aspire.  It has been rated at around 25 mpg around town, but so far my first tank is only getting about 20 mpg.  I know it is a old car by now, so I'm sure it's normal to lose some efficiency.  I've read that a dirty fuel injector may bring down the mileage some.  Any suggestions to give it a boost?  Thanks a lot.


Well from experience, i have found that EPA ratings are never close to actual.  The only close estimate is to speak with people driving the same car and come up with an average.

I am hoping that someone will create a web page where owners can input their own experiences. Their driving habits and real fuel consumption numbers., but until that day.

The main sensor to look at is the oxygen sensor.  Does it still cover from minimum to maximum? and does it toggle sufficiently?  If not, you will use more fuel.

As for a fuel system cleaner, I recommend that a good quality cleaner ( I use Kleen Flo TKO) be added to a full tank in the spring and fall to help clean the injectors and intake valves.

While there may be many other fuel robbing problems (ie: low tire pressures, cold engine) this is the most dramatic.