Questionthe blower motor motor won`t work,checked the 15 amp fuse and it`s ok,checked for juice at the motor and none, pull the dash cover and checked for juice at the switch and none ,checked for juice at the resiter and none,checked for juice at the other side of the control where the vacumn lines are and the top 2 are dead and the bottom 2 are hot is there a fuse link or maybe the ignition switch?? Thanks,Tim
The speed is controlled by the switch and resistor and is on the ground side of the motor. A little different than other systems.
When you checked the fuse, i assume you checked both sides of the fuse for power.
The fan doesn't actually get power from this fuse. When you turn the system from off (not the fan speed switch), power from this fuse turns on the fan relay (locatedbehind the right headlight) which , in turn, provides power directly from the battery (through a fusible link) to the motor.
ok... KOEO (key on, engine on). do you have close to battery voltage at the org/red wire at the blower motor? No?... do you have power at the Yel wire into the relay? No? =check the fusible link... (then see why it melted, remember... if a fuse blew.. it had a reason. most likely a failing blower motor).
If you had power at the yel (going into the relay), but not at the org/red (coming out of the relay, you need to check if you have power to the yel/red wire into the relay. if you have power, check the relay or the ground for the relay. if you do not have power (yel/red), you need to go back to the switch.
I hope that helps.