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Ford: 1999 Ford Ranger 4x4, cold temperatures, ford ranger

QUESTION: I have a 1999 Ford Ranger that the Four wheel drive only works on when it is cold out (less then 15 Degrees F). Any other time when I turn the switch nothing happens other then the 4WDLow and 4WD High lights flash 6 times every 120 seconds.

PS: When it does work I can hear a clicking behind the dash when I engage the 4WD. I know that Rangers have many 4WD issues and am considering putting in manual Lock In / Lockouts.


I need to check my info on monday, but it sounds like the relay in the dash is trying to tell the transfer case shift motor to shift, but it isnt reponding. the hubs are not the problem.
I will check further , but the most common failure is the shift motor.  It is on the back of the transfer case and looks similar to a wiper motor. simple to replace.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the answer. That was the conclusion I was coming to. The only thing that I don't understand is why it works in the cold temperatures? Any ideas on that?

Sorry, i did some research, but no definite answer on why the shift works when cold.

Being an electric motor, i suspect it is weak, and the cold helps it overcome the resitance issues = power goes where it should. Just a guess though.

If the 4WD light were to come on, this would indicate front axle engagement, then you would have to see if the vacumn operated hubs were engaging.