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Ford: Engine shut off....wont re-start, 1978 ford fairmont, electronic ignition control

QUESTION: Hello, my daughter has a 1978 Ford Fairmont 6cyl. Last night while she was driving the engine shut off and would not re-start. All other electrical was fine and stayed on (lights - radio), and still has power today. The car has gas, fuel is getting to the carb but will not start. My first thought is spark, but never had something like this happen to me before. It just quit.

ANSWER: Most likely, the control module has failed. This is common and often will restart when it cools. It is a square aluminum  finned box about 4"x 4" x 1" and on the drivers fender. See that it is still plugged in (2 or 3 plugs). This is an early electronic ignition control and you can get them at any parts store or wreckers. to match them, turn it over and note the colour of the plastic where the wires to the plug go into the box.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Tim. I replaced the module and still nothing. Will not start. I'm getting spark to the plugs. Thoughts?


Have you tried pouring a bit of gas down the carb?  does it fire then?  Another problem with these engines was the design of the carb. The bolts holding it together go in through the bottom and work their way loose. If you can move the carb, it needs to come off and loctite blue applied to the threads of the 2 loose bolts and re-tightened.  This usually causes hard start and bad fuel economy.

Are you certain there is gas (not Diesel  :) in the tanks? and does it squirt when the accelerator is stroked?

If pouring gas down the throat does not allow it to fire, pull the plugs.. dry them off and recheck the gap.  What kind of gap will the spark jump?

Low oil level on older worn engines can cause a hard or no start, but rarely stall it.

Lastly, is the timing chain jumped? hook up your timing light and see if you are near TDC #1 while cranking.