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Ford: 95 ranger no start, starter relay, ford ranger

i have a 1995 ford ranger 2.3 8wire 5speed with 333,000mi replaced engine 7,500 mi ago the other night i went to start it and the fuse for "starter relay/pcm" blew i replaced it with a larger fuse (all i had) it blew also i checked the starter and it works, its original cleaned all connections up and replaced the fuse and it holds the problem is it makes one click at the solenoid on the fender and that is all i am being told allot of things including ignition switch but before i invest the time and money i wonder if this sounds like something you have come across before and what do you think it is

               thanks bob

sorry it took so long to get back they had a problem with my sign in.First thing i would do is check my grounds make sure you have a good one to the engine and to the body.  also do a starter draw test make sure the starter is not pulling to many amps.Let me know and we will go from there