Ford: 1988 Ford Country Squire Air Conditioning, ford country squire, r 12 freon
QuestionCan I recharge the a/c on my 1988 Ford Country Squire station
wagon myself (i.e., buy a can of freon and load it into the
system)? If so, what kind of freon do I need to buy and how
do I put it in?
Answera 1988 probably uses freon which is hard to come by, a can of R-134a and conversion kit is the best bet. your can uses R-12 Freon, but EPA has more or less banned the stuff. to put it in look for the recharge port on the A/C plumbing, i will have a black cap and look like a big schrader valve (tire air fill valve) typically its on the passenger side of the engine compartment near the back by the fender.