Ford: 2003 ford explorer a/c, fusible link, ford explorer
QuestionI have a 2003 ford explorer the a/c stopped working I put a new clutch on the compressor but now it seems it still not working I checked all fuses the sensors the pressure switch everything is working but if i put juice straight from the battery directly to the coil the compressor works when I disconnect it from the battery it stops working... I need help trying to locate the thermostat...... I am running out of ideas pls help I would appreciate...I am assuming the problem has to be electric b/c there is no leaks and it vents out cold air onces its contact with the battery.......thank u!
Answercheck to see if you have power coming from the switch on the dash, if you do, start back tracing the problem into the harness to determine the location of the voltage drop, it may be a melted fusible link, a broken or burned wire or a bad contact on a relay. check to see if you have power going to the fuse for the a/c and if so start tracing forward from there.