Ford: car, mid size cars, preventive maintenance schedule
QuestionI just purchased a ford taurus 2005; and I would like to know how to maintain this vehicle and what are the most complaints about it?
Answerthe ford Taurus is one of the best front wheel drive mid size cars out there, a good maintenance program is to change the oil every 2500 to 3500 miles, change the transmission fluid every 10,000 to 15,000 miles, and engine coolant every 15,000. consult your owners manual for a complete preventive maintenance schedule. as far as complaints or problems there isnt any that i can think of right off hand. if you go to you can look up the TSB (technical Service Bulletin) for 1982-current vehicles from most every manufacturer. it is a free service too. for your particular car there are three different engine or VIN types so three separate bulletin lists, any of the problems on the list that you have with your car will be fixed at no cost to you at a ford dealership. hope this helps, and congratulations on your new car.