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Ford: Rear AC for Econoline E150 Conv van, ford conversion van, r 134a

I have a 1994 Ford Conversion Van.  Back A/C is out of freon.  Need to know where to add the freon to it.  i.e. Under hood, in unit itself ...

I believe that the rear A/C unit is the same as the one for the front, it just runs 2 sets of piping, look under the hood to verify this, otherwise you may have 2 separate A/C compressors. To recharge the A/C check the tag under the hood, being a 1994 it may take R-12 in which case I strongly recommend purchasing a conversion kit for R-134A, which is much safer for you and not an environmental disaster. Either type recharges the same, look by the passenger side under the hood for silver (aluminum) piping, about 1/2 inch thick, if you trace it back from the radiator you will find it comes to a black (should be) canister approximately the size of a coffee can, near the can on the line is a black screw off cap which will expose the A/C Recharge port, this looks like a big valve stem. Different brands of A/C recharge vary on charging but most are along the lines of, start the vehicle, turn A/C on, unscrew cap, screw can or hose to can into port, invert and shake, about 2 minuets later the can will be empty and your A/C is recharged.