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Ford: About my 99 Ford Taurus SE, ford taurus, idle air controller

Hi Robert, I own a 99 Ford taurus SE with the 3.0 vulcan (U)V6 engine. I think I may be experiencing fuel system problems. When I start it up when it's cold, it starts fine but it smells like it is loading up with fuel coming from the tailpipe but then it idles high then gradually idles down. There has been a time or two where it has got very cold and went to start it up, it started fine but if I didn't let it warm up long enough I went to put it in gear and it stalled out and it was alot of cranking to get it to start it back up because it would flood for some strange reason. I noticed it seems to be pigging out on fuel also. what may be causing this? I do replace the air filter quite regularly about every 6,000 miles or every other oil change

is there any service or check engine lights?? The most common item on a ford to go out os the Idle air controller but it seems that yours is working... the whole flooding problem is most likley caused by an o2 sensor.... try going be a parts store and see if they will get your check engine codes... let me know./..