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Ford: Chugging/Missing, ford ranger 4x4, ford ranger

Hello Robert,

I have a 1988 Ford Ranger 4x4 with a 2.3L F.I. and 5 speed transmission. The truck has 87,000 original miles not 187,000. I changed my plugs and wires two weeks ago and probably have put 500 miles on them. The plugs are motorcraft and wires are from Autozone. I went to take trip Saturday and after 30 mins going 65-70 I started to slow down and could not keep my speed, I downshifted but after a few minutes still could not hold my speed. As I slowed down the truck started to chug/miss like it was running on 3/4 cyclinders. After returning home (I turned around) I discovered plug #2 had detonated at the end of the plug. I replaced the plug and the truck still runs the same. I did check all 4 plugs and they were not white but not black. My thoughts were coil or cap/rotor. Oh the truck has been running great since the tuneup; this was a big surprise. What do I do next? Thanks Kelly from Fort Wayne, IN.

definatly cap and rotor... When you got the wires from a-zone did you get the one year ones or teh lifetime wires?? the standards are not as high on the lower end (One year) wires at the part stores... try getting them to swap out the wires for you adn replace the cap and rotor... the hard part is going to be checking the coil (It only seems to mess up adfter running a while...) try the cap/rotor/wires first and let me know... thanks and sorry for the delay in my responce...