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Ford: 99 ford tauras, mechanical skill, suprises

I'm working on a 99 ford tauras wagon. Complaint is (no heat) there iss plenty of air coming out on all settings(floor, face, defrost,etc..). the hose coming from the thermostat to the htr core is hot, the bypass hose above the upper htr core hose is hot , but the hose from the htr coreback to the engine is cool, now i figured that the core must be plugged??now how hard is it to replace the htr core?? And is there any suprises waiting for me when I open the dash up??
any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated THANK YOU.....

if you have a good basic mechanical skill you should be good to go..... the main thing is disconnect the battery and be careful when handeling the air bags... (It only takes 1.8 volts to deploy an air bag...) Not trying to scare you just make you aware.... basicaly just remove a lot of hardware and put a lot of hardware back in... I can try to get you a step by step but I will need your personal e-mail to do that because I can not post pictures up on here.... good luck and have a good weekend... rememnber to change the clocks ahead....