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Ford: air cleaner (engine oil and water), cold temp, ford ranger

i have a 1987 ford ranger 2.0 engine 4 speed with OD (5 speed) 158,000 miles. i have noticed that i am getting oil and water inside my air cleaner housing ( creamy white color ) someone told me it was from condensation in the engine because of the cold temp in Massachusetts ??? i've lived here 52 yrs and never saw this, any suggestions as to what would cause this. the engine runs fine - a little rough when it's cold but as soon as it warms no problems    thanks for any help

Sounds like it is starting to get what is called blow by... there is a little bit of oin getting past the rings and that is sitting in the air cleaner... (The little bit of oil is mixing with the condensation in the air and turning creamy white...) try running some engine restore with your next oil change... (It will help seal those rings back up... ) other than that just make sur ethat you have no water on the dipstick for the oil. Have a good day...