Ford: brake lights wont turn off, brake light switch, chevy blazer
QuestionQUESTION: hi, i have a 1999 chevy blazer and my brake lights won't turn off (both left and right as well as center mounted). I had to remove the fuses under the hood to get them to shut off. They remain on after I removed the key and even after i set the alarm. please help!!!
ANSWER: Not to sound like a butthead but yo udo know this is the Ford Forum...?? Anyway... sounds like the brake light switch is malfunctioning... if you follow the arm that your brake pedal is attached to you will find the brake light switch... try unplugging it. if the brake lights go out than replace the switch... if not let me know and we can start to diagnose this together.... good luck,....
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: sorry i didn't realize it was a ford forum. so i did what you said and replaced the brake light switch. this allowed the center mounted to begin workin again (thanks). however, the two regular brake lights won't work now. the hazards, rear lights, and directionals all work but not the brakes. i've checked the fuses and can't see anything there. do you have any other suggestions for me. again, thanks for getting me this far because i unfortunately don't know much in this department.
AnswerHmmm... does your blazer have wiring for a trailer? if so is it factory? Lat's see... Let me do some more reaserch on this and please send me a follow up in a couple of days... (I need to get on the computer at work and look this up...) Thanks and good luck... :)