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Ford: alternator, bodget, dash lights

I have a 2002 windstar.I started noticing a whining noise coming from the alt. a few weeks ago.Yesterday I had a dead battery.It was the orig. battery,so I replaced it, thinking that it was not charging and causing the alt. to overwork,    hence the whining noise.After installing a new battery and giving it time to fully charge,the alt. still whines. Is it bad? There are no dash lights indicating that it is.

The whining sound is comming from the bearings inside of the alternator... is the alternator bad ... No not if it still has power output... but you should take come concern into either replacing the bearings inside of the alternator or replacing the alternator. (Depending on your bodget and skill level...) the easiest way to check the power output of the alternator is use a volt meyer on the abattery with the van running. it should be around 13 - 14 volts... (Somewhere inbetween) if not take the alternator to a local parts store and a lot of them offer free testing Good luck and happy holidays!!!