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Ford: Engine wont start, fuel pressure regulator, inline fuel pump

went to go start my truck it turns over fine but won't start sprayed starting fluid into the throttle body it start pops for a second then stalls again appears to be a fuel problem but have two tanks flipped the switch from one tank to other still nothing i'm not sure if both tanks have seperate fuel pumps or their is one fuel pump for both tanks any ideas fuel related or electrical?  

Doug, it definitely sounds like a fuel problem.  I don't know what year your truck is, so it would be hard for me to fully help you out.  But here goes:  First, switch back and forth between the two tanks very quickly for about 30 seconds.  The switch might just be hung up.  Next, I would locate the fuel tank switch actuator (trace your fuel lines and you will notice a box that the fuel lines run through) and "tap" on it with a rubber hammer.  It might just be hung up.  Next, if the truck has a manual fuel pump, I would replace it.  If the truck has a electrical fuel pump, I would first try to locate a fuel pressure regulator and "tap" on it.  Next, I would replace the inline fuel pump.  The key thing to keep in mind is that you want to start small on your diagnosis and eliminate these things as your problem.  It would be a terrible thing to replace a fuel pump, only to find out that your switch is bad.  Good luck,   Jason