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Ford: ford f-150 8.8 axel shafts, ford f 150, slide hammer

how do i remove the axel shafts to take the ring and pinion out? is there some kind of pin or c-clip holding them in?or do i need a slide hammer?send the answer to my email if all possible please,thanks alot

Hello there David. To remove the axles there are c clips holding them in. To access them you will need to remove the rear cover and remove the king pin. it is the pin that stops the axles from walking in. then once that is removed push the axle in and then remove the c clip. then to take the diff out remove the two bearing holders on either side and usually with a little help from a pry bar it walks out. then to remove the pinion take the nut off and using a two jaw puller remove the pinion flange and with a no mar hammer the pinion should come right out of there but be careful to put your shims and spacers back the way they came out or your looking for trouble. Let me know how you make out.


P.s. Sorry for the late reply I was away for the weekend.