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Ford: 1994 Ranger front axel knock/click, drive shaft, transfer case

QUESTION: Whenever i'm driving, there is a knocking/clicking sound coming from
the front pumpkin/driveshaft area that gets louder and softer randomly,
and disappears whenever the wheel is turned; it only happens and is
worst when driving straight.  I got underneath my truck and shook the
driveshaft around, and as you twist it, there is a slight clicking noise
that is coming from behind the U-joint coming out of the front pumpkin
that connects the front shaft to the transfer case and transmission.  Any
ideas what could be wrong?
ANSWER: Dustin, Hi there... Are you hearing the noise at the axle or at the transfer case when you are twisting the front driveshaft. Does it get worse in 4WD? Are your front hubs locked in? i think from what you are describing that one of the u joints are gone and in need of replacement. but if i am not understanding things right please get back to me. I want to assist where i can.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: putting it in 4-wheel doesn't change anything, and the noise is coming
from the front pumpkin where the front drive shaft enters it at that u-joint.
ANSWER: Hey there Dustin, with the vehicle running try and rotate the driveshaft there really should be no rotating parts if the vehicle is in 2WD. you may also want to check the axle joints that go from the pumpkin to each wheel. I have seen them cause similar things. also if you are just rotating the driveshaft back and forth it is normal to have a clicking noise when you ate taking up the clearance. try taking the front driveshaft off and going for a quick drive to see if that clears it up. Let me know...



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok thanks...
driving it without the front driveshaft won't hurt anything, right?  You just
(obviously) won't have 4WD anymore...?  Thanks for the help...i'll get back
to you once i try what you said.

check to see if there is also any up and down movement at the pinion. that is the flange that is on the differential that the driveshaft is attached to. Please let me know how you make out. Yeah you are just going to have to drive with no 4WD but it will not hurt anything. Please make sure that the front wheels can turn free with the vehicle in 2WD we don't want the truck driving in 4WD all the time.

Have Fun
