Ford: no spark, bad cap, coil wire
QuestionHi Jason,i need to know how to pinpoint a spark problem on a 1989 ford,i know you only go to 1985 but was hoping there about the same.
AnswerJim, first you need to check to make sure your rotor is turning inside the distributor. Next, you need to see if you are getting electricity to the plugs. You can do this by pulling a plug, hold it to metal, and turn the motor off. Next, you need to find out if you are getting fire to the distributor. You can do this by removing the ignition coil wire and holding it to metal and turning the engine over. If you are getting fire to the plug, but no start, then that is usually a timing problem. If you are getting fire past the coil but not to the plugs, then that is usually a bad cap or rotor. If you are not getting fire past the coil, that is usually a coil, pick-up coil, or ignition control module. I would start with the coil, then module, then pick-up coil. You can have the module tested at any parts store. I would start with the coil because that is usually the problem. You can test it with a multi-meter, but they only cost about 15 dollars at the part store, and it doesn't hurt to have an extra. I hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions, Jason