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Ford: 99 Explorer window problems, ford repair, ford explorer

 My 99 Ford Explorer lock sw.  started to not operate about one year ago.  Now the unlock side of the switch does not work either.  The passenger side operates ok as does unlocking the doors with the key.  I checked the switch and it rang out ok.  Any suggestions.  Thanx Paul

Paul, This is a little outside my area of expertise.  I would suggest that you look at the "Ford Repair" category.  There is a fellow that answers questions there, his name is Chris.  He would probably be able to help you more than I can.  Please don't quote me on this, but there should be an actuator, possibly a motor, that is going out.  If I was diagnosing this problem on my own vehicle, I would take the panel off the door and then press the switch to see what is going on.  It might be a simple loose connection.  Then I would find the wires that go into the actuator/motor, unsheathe them, and see how many amps are getting to the motor.  I would guess that it would need about .2 amps to turn it over.  If I was getting "fire" to it, then I would probably see about buying that part.  I have to say that I have seen this problem before from many of my customers, and it usually is the switch.  But like I said Paul, I would send this question to Chris in the "Ford Repair" category, and see what he has to say.  Good luck,    Jason