Ford: Flashing check engine light, cold kind, degree weather
QuestionI left my '97 F250 unplugged in -25 degree weather for 5 hours. When I started it up it fired without any problems. I let it warm up for 20 mins then put it into drive. As soon as I crept forward I noticed it was sluggish (not the cold kind, but the engine running roughly kind). Then the check engine light began to flash. Now I've seen this light come on before, but never flash. I had no choice but to drive it home, about 4 miles. It flashed until I reached a stop light outside my house when it stopped flashing, but remained on. The truck did not idle well. It was rough. When the light went green and I crept forward it began to blink again until I was stopped outside my house. Can you help me figure out what I may have done to my truck?
AnswerTake your vehicle to a shop and have a technican scan your vehicles computer for diagnostic codes. The flashing light and light coming on solid means there are diagnostic codes stored in the computers memory. SEeing what codes there are will determine the cause of your problem