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Ford: Propane instead of gas, propane company, linda jordan

Hi, John:  I am looking to buy a farm truck.  I saw an ad for a 6
cyl. 1993 Ford 150.  The truck only has 49,000 miles on it.  This
owner is the second owner.  He bought it from a propane
company that used if for meter reading.  It has run on propane
since it had 6 miles on it.  Propane won't work for me where I
live, so I would have to get the owner to convert it to gas, which
he is willing to do.  Is this a bad idea?   He wants 3830. for the
truck, but will deduct the price of the conversion....Thanks so
much for your help....Linda Jordan  

As long as the mechanic doing the conversion knows what he's doing there shouldn't be a problem. The 300 cubic inch 6 cly. is a very good proven engine. With the low miles and if the rest of the truck is in good condition $3,800 is not a bad deal for this truck. I'm not an expert on mechanics so I cann't advise you on what needs to be done to convert the propane to gas so make sure the mechanic knows what he is supposed to do.
Good luck with your truck,