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Ford: Starter issue with 1992 Ford f150, cylinoid, selonoid

When I turn my ignition I only get a click in the cylinoid.  I have had my starter tested and it is OK.  I have crossed the Cylinoid(direct connection) with a screwdriver but the starter does not turn.  I have replaced the battery cable from the battery to the cylinoid but still only a click.  I am getting power to the starter from the battery(main power cable) and also when I turn the ignition(smaller cable).  I am thinking these cables should be replaced or there is a grounding issue.  Any suggestions on this or can you think of something else I should look at.




i would replace the starter cable, both battery cables.i would also replace the soliniod.you can also check the ground from the fire wall to engine, but the truck should turn over any way. also check your battery, it should have 12.4 volts with key off, if it does not charge it or replace it.if the battery is say like a walmart brand replace it as these dont last long.i had a custmer who swore his battery was good because it was only a year old, but walmart batterys dont hold up.make sure all of your terminals are clean and tight. i would say your selonoid is the problem.hope this helps.
