Many thanks for your time in advance. I have an well running & well maintained 1989 Ford Escort (100,000 miles) - have kept well maintained and clean over the years of my ownership.
After the installation of a new fuel pump 2 weeks ago, I immediately noticed black smoke emmitting from my exhaust tail the next morning on start up. Car emits on start up in the morning every morning - for may beup to 1 or 2 minutes. It has been getting smokier. I asked two different technicians - different reputable locations - on what they thought might be the problem.
They said it was most probably an internal engine problem that could not be fixed. Specifically, the plates had probably eroded between the cyclinder & engine or piston & engine so that when I ignite for the first time in the day, the pistons are going up & down, up & down, and mixing oil in with the gas - thus the black smoke and smell of burning oil.
Not good. I put poured some Resolve (a leakage prevention liquid product) and fuel injector cleansor in to the car yet to no benefit.
Question: Is there ANYTHING, in your opinion, that I can do to save my car for another few months - other than rebuild the engine? I bought the car for only $1k yet have put alot into it over the past 5 years. I was hoping to hold on to it untill it hit 120k miles.
Many thanks on your advice.
Elizabeth Cornell
[email protected]
there is no way the cyclinder walls eroded. if that had happend you could not start the car,the engine would sieze.have someone pull a sparkplug and look at it.if there is oil on the plug then you have a problem,either the valve guides or piston rings are bad.if the plugs are like a black soot then your car is running lean and needs a tune up.there are engine treatment things you can buy at your local auto parts store to prolong the life of your engine.hope this helps.