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Ford: Ford Probe 1994 transmission, speedometer gear, speedometer cable

thanks for your reply.  Now that I've got the standard transmission in the previously automatic Probe, the spedometer doesn't work and there's a squalling sound.  Also  I can't get the key out of the ignition when in park.  Any ideas on fixing these problems?

Followup To
Question -
I am switching a standard transmission into an automatic 1994 Ford Probe.  What problems can I expect?  Any suggestions on troubleshooting possible problems?
thanks for any help you can provide,
Answer -

you are going to need a different bell housing clutch cable and bracket.you will need a clutch pedal, and a shift lever set up for a standard.i would go to a junk yard and get everything i need from a donor car.the radiator lines for a auto will have to be pluged for a standard.hope this helps.



you need to change the speedometer gear. ford also changed the cable lengh in the middle of 94. you may need to buy a new cable.as for the key problem junk the ignition switch and put in a new one.they are a big problem in the probe.i would check the speedometer cable for the squalling or the fly wheel.hope this helps.
