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Ford: Ford Escort, ford escort 95, crankshaft sensor

I have Ford Escort 95 1.9L. My car doesnt start or have a rough start when engine is hot.  It usually happen when shopping.  After an hour of driving, I stop the car for shopping.  After half an hour, I have difficulty starting the engine.  Camshaft and crankshaft sensor are new (replaced).Did I put too much engine oil?  Or am I missing something else? Thanks.


You should check your air filter. If it is clogged, your engine will not start when hot. It could also be faulty fuel injectors or something somewhere in your ignition system. In order to tell if it is the last 2, you will need to have your vehicle placed on a scan tool of whic you can have done for free at Advanced Auto or Auto Zone. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me further. Good luck.
