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Ford: Ford Winstar AC/electrical, ford winstar, rear vent

I have a 95 winstar. My climate unit is vents are stuck on defrost position. Further investing reveals AC clutch not engaging when ac turned on, nor is the rear climate unit changing from floor/heat to ac vents position. Book says fuse 21 for clutch and vent motors, fuse is okay, and 12 v is leaving the fuse. Any easy spots to look for this? The 2 van rear vent window motors also do not run anymore, dont know whether that is separate or related.

Mr. Harrison,

If your AC clutch is not operating, you probably have a bad AC clutch but alot of that is controlled by your PCM and you will need to put your vehicle on a scan tool. You can go to Advanced Auto or Auto Zone and have this done for free (a $100 dollar savings to you). It could also be a bad relay which are under the hood and can not be tested with  out a scan tool. I am trying to help save you money with you spending more than you really need to. Hope that this helps and if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck.
